Double the impact — support ANNN’s investigative journalism

Traditional newspapers are disappearing. Social media is too often filled with misinformation and clickbait. As more local news outlets shrink and die, we're losing access to the in-depth, investigative journalism Arkansans desperately need.

The good news is that you have the power to give better journalism to our community!

With your support, the Arkansas Nonprofit News Network (ANNN) will continue reporting stories in 2022 that would otherwise be neglected. Best of all, when you donate now, NewsMatch will DOUBLE your donation!

We can't be sure what next year will throw at our community, but with your support, we can keep providing free access to in-depth, investigative journalism.

I wanted to revisit a few stories ANNN reported on in 2021 that I'm so proud of:

Our investigation into the crack that shut down the I-40 bridge to Memphis for almost three months — and the state’s lack of answers about how bridge inspectors missed the problem for years. 

A closer look at the strange-but-true story of two chemistry professors at a South Arkansas university accused of making meth in a school laboratory. (Note: One of the two men, Terry David Bateman, was acquitted by a jury Oct. 27. The other, Bradley Rowland, pleaded guilty to several drug-related charges on Nov. 5.)

‘Kids feel like they’re being erased’: Inside the clinic targeted by Arkansas’s new anti-trans law. 

The Arkansas Nonprofit News Network is an independent, nonpartisan news organization dedicated to producing journalism that matters to Arkansans. Our work is re-published by partner newsrooms across the state.